Best Cutting SARM

Looking for the best Cutting SARM?

I am sure you are someone looking for safer alternatives to steroids such as Anavar, Winstrol, HGH, or even Clenbuterol which is not a steroid but can be equally dangerous in terms of side effects.

Getting back to the best cutting SARMs, here are some SARMs that can help you cut down on your body fat by burning excess body fat:

Best Cutting SARM

The most effective and popular cutting SARMs include:

  • Andarine S4
  • Cardarine GW 50156
  • Ibutamoren MK 677
  • SR9009 Stenabolic

Best Cutting SARM


In this article, you will not only find out more about each of the above SARMs and what they can do to help your body burn excess fat but also will you find 100% legal and safe alternatives to each of these that you can use without fearing any sort of negative side effects. Interestingly enough, these legal SARMs do not even require you to go for a PCT once you are done with them!

Andarine S4

It is definitely one of the oldest SARMs around and people still use it mainly for the purpose of gaining lean muscle as well as for burning excess body fat.

So yeah, it seems to be a popular choice for cutting!

Andarine is quite similar to some of the other SARMs and that includes Ostarine MK 2866 and LGD 4033 Lignadrol. One of the important things to keep in mind is that while Andarine S4 is supposed to be stronger than Ostarine, it is definitely weaker than LGD 4033.

How Does Andarine S4 work?

Andarine S4, like other SARMs attaches itself to selective androgen receptors in the muscle tissue and bones. By doing so, it can help you get results such as anabolic steroids but without the nasty side effects that come along with steroid use.

Is Andarine Legal?

It’s quite obvious that you want to know if it is legal to use S4 or not.

To answer this question, let me state very clearly that as of now, it is legal to buy Andarine (and other SARMs) only for research purposes in almost every country across the world including the US, and UK, except Australia.

It is also important to highlight the fact that the use of SARMs (Andarine included) has not been approved by the FDA for human consumption.

What it means is that it is illegal to buy Andarine S4 for bulking or cutting!

Andarine Benefits

Here are some of the main benefits associated with Andarine S4:

  • Increases Lean Muscle Mass – One of the benefits of S4 is that it can help you gain lean muscle mass. Even though, it’s primary use is not for bulking, it can certainly help you gain as much as 5 lbs of muscle in a cycle. I must mention here that it is more effective for burning fat.
  • Fat loss – One of the most important benefits of Andarine is that it can help burn body fat. It is known that it can help reduce as much as 4-5% body fat in a single cycle. What makes things even more interesting is that it can help you keep muscle mass even if you are on a slight caloric surplus. No wonder, this SARM has been getting more and more popular with bodybuilders looking for a safer fat-burner as compared to steroids like Anavar and Winstrol.
  • Body Recomposition – This is what Andarine is best at doing. It not only burns fat but also helps increase lean muscle in your body. You must understand that a lot of people are actually skinny fat. What it means is that while they might lose fat, they might still not have enough muscle. This is where Andarine creates a difference. All you have to do is ensure that you are in slight caloric surplus and you will gain hard and dense, lean muscle while burning fat at the same time.
  • Enhanced Recovery – One of the most important aspects that S4 works upon is that it ensures faster recovery after a gym session. Most people tend to need 72 hours to recover from a gym workout. Andarine can cut short this time to a mere 24 hours, thus making it possible for you to train a particular body part a couple of times a week. This obviously, translates into better gym results.
  • Multiplies Strength – It can also help boost your strength. Even though strength gains are not gaining to be at par with what you experience with LGD 4033 or RAD 140, they are certainly going to be more than Ostarine. I must mention here that Testolone RAD 140 Results show that it is one of the best SARMs for beefing up and combining it with Andarine does a great job when it comes to recomp of your body. However, RAD 140 is suppressive and might require a PCT.

Andarine Side Effects

A lot of people think that there are no side effects of SARMs. This is far from true. Even though clinical evidence is lacking to establish the side effects, actual users do report side effects and some of such side effects include the following:

  • Testosterone Suppression – As far as testosterone suppression is concerned, Andarine can suppress testosterone in your body but it does not shut down testosterone production. More importantly, the extent to which it suppresses testosterone is more than what Ostarine does but is far less than what LGD 4033 or RAD 140 suppress. I must mention that your natural testosterone production gets back to normal once you stop having Andarine, even if you don’t go for PCT!
  • Vision Changes – This is perhaps the most well-known side effect of S4. Most people find that their vision gets sensitive while they on an Andarine cycle and that it takes longer for their eyes to adjust to the light or dark. Not just this, some people find their vision experienced a yellowish frame. This side effect is however temporary and your vision is likely to get back to normal once you stop taking Andarine. It does not lead to vision loss. But again, this is quite a serious side effect and can result in accidents too.

Legal Andarine S4Andalean from Brutal Force


ANDALEAN from Brutal Force




  • Mimics Andarine S4
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Burns Fat, Preserves Muscle
  • Increases Strength
  • Faster Recovery
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
  • Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
  • 100 Days Money-Back Guarantee
ANDALEAN from Brutal Force is a 100% natural, safe, legal alternative to Andarine S4. It can help you burn fat fast and also retain lean muscle mass. It can also help boost your strength manifold and help cut down recovery time so that you can train harder and longer in the gym. It is great for a cutting cycle and has no side effects at all. You do not even need a PCT.

The best stack that combines Andalean with other fat-burning SARMs is the Ripped Cutting Stack that can help you get amazing results in just an 8-week cycle.

Cardarine GW 50156

Another powerful, as well as popular SARM that is often used for cutting by bodybuilders, is Cardarine GW 50156. It was originally developed as a drug to treat cardiovascular problems but somehow the project was disbanded midway. 

Having said that, before the trials were disbanded one of the things that were confirmed was that it could really enhance performance. As a performance enhancer, it could burn fat, increase muscle, and improve the flow of oxygen to the muscles during training which directly affected endurance. No wonder, it seemed like a perfect drug for most bodybuilders.

How Does Cardinine GW 50156 Work?

Against common perception, GW 50156 is not a SARM but a PPARδ receptor agonist. What it means is that it works by binding itself to PPARδ and by doing this it triggers a couple of important biological processes that include:

  • Increases oxidative capacity of your muscles – This implies more fat loss and a remarkable increase in your endurance levels.
  • Switches the source of energy from glucose to fat – This means suppression of glucose metabolism. Your body starts burning fat in order to meet its energy demands and this clearly means a significant drop in your body-fat levels. This is what you want from a cutting cycle.

Is GW 50156 or Cardarine Legal?

The rules for SARMs are the same as far as their legal status is concerned. It is legal to buy Cardarine or GW 50156 as a research chemical but its use for human consumption has not been approved by the FDA.

It also happens to be on the list of banned substances of WADA (World Anti Doping Agency), the USADA (the United States Anti Doping Agency), and the ASADA (the Australian Anto Doping Agency). Rules are pretty much similar for most sports authorities around the globe.

Cardarine GW 50156 Benefits

Let’s go through some of the main benefits of Cardarine GW 50156…

  • Increases Endurance – As mentioned above two of the main areas that Cardarine works upon is that switches the source of energy from glucose to fat and increases oxidative capacity of your muscles. Both of these help boost your endurance levels by as much as 60% within 30 minutes of taking GW 50156. What it means is that if you are able to run for 2 miles normally, you would end up running for 3 miles with Cardarine, and that too without getting tired. What it also means is that as a bodybuilder you would be able to train longer and harder and in the gym.
  • Fat Loss  – By increasing endurance and suppressing glucose metabolism so that your body is able to burn fat in place of glucose, your body is in a better state to get rid of excess body fat. Isn’t it amazing that this compound can simply help cut down your body fat by as much as 5-7% in just an 8-week cycle?
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health – Yet another benefit of Cardarine is that it can be a real help in improving your cardiovascular health and it can do so by clearing up your blood vessels and by removing plaque from the arteries. These two positive effects work great to improve the health of your heart. This is precisely the reason a lot of bodybuilders take Cardarine after an anabolic steroid cycle that is supposed to be hard on your heart.
  • Improves Liver and Kidney Health – What most people don’t know is that Cardarine works to improve both your kidney as well as liver health unlike most of the other compounds of a similar nature. It reduces inflammation which tends to help reduce the chances of kidney disease and the same seems to be true for your liver.

Cardarine Side Effects

There are not many side effects of this SARM but one of the most serious side effects of Cardarine is that it can accelerate the development of cancerous tumors and that I am sure, is enough to scare anyone off it!

Having said that, I must mention here that the study that indicated this used rather high dosages of Cardarine than what you would normally do. Thus, it is kind of controversial to conclude that Cardarine can speed the growth of cancerous tumors.

Legal Cardarine GW 501516 – C-Dine 501516 from Crazy Bulk

LEGAL Cardarine

C-Dine 501516 from Crazy Bulk

Crazy Bulk C-Dine 501516 Review



Best Alternative for Cardarine

  • Mimics Cardaline GW 50516
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Excellent for Cutting 
  • Increases Vascularity & Muscle Definition
  • Boosts Endurance
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
C-Dine 501516 is one of the best alternatives for Cardarine. It can help you get excellent cutting results in literally half the time. What makes it even more appealing is that it can help enhance vascularity, increase muscle definition and also boost endurance so that you can train for a longer duration.

This natural supplement does not have any side effects and has been getting awesome user reviews. Some of the most popular offers include Buy 3 Get 2 Free and Buy 2 Get 1 FREE. Not just this, it also comes with FREE Worldwide Shipping.


Legal Cardarine GW 501516 – Cardalean from Brutal Force

LEGAL Cardarine

CARDALEAN from Brutal Force

Best Cutting Sarm



  • Mimics Cardaline GW 50516
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Burns Fat, Retains Muscle
  • Enhances Endurance
  • Increase Vascularity
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
  • Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
  • 100 Days Money-Back Guarantee
CARDALEAN from Brutal Force is a perfect performance enhancer that mimics the benefits of Cadarine GW 50156 without any of its negative side effects. It not only increases fat burning in your body but also helps retain lean muscle mass. It is also known to boost endurance giving you more strength and stamina to workout and get leaner. There are no side effects and you do not need a PCT either!

It comes with an amazing Buy 2 Get 1 FREE offer and also includes FREE Worldwide Shipping

The best stack that combines Cardalean with other fat-burning SARMs is the Ripped Cutting Stack that can help you get amazing results in just an 8-week cycle.

Ibutamoren MK 677

More than being a SARM MK677 Ibutamoren is an HGH secretagogue. What it means is that it may help your body produce more growth hormone which can be great for both burning fat and increasing muscle mass.

Let’s delve a bit deeper into this SARM and find out how it works, what it benefits, and side effects are…

How Does Ibutamoren MK 677 work?

As stated above, MK 677 will make your body produce more Human Growth Hormone or HGH. Not just this, it will also help it produce more IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1). 

In other words, it can make your body produce HGH to the level of what it produced as a teenager. 

I must mention here, this SARM is likely to be much weaker as compared to growth hormone shots or injections that people with HGH deficiency take and it only helps your body in producing more growth hormone naturally. 

Furthermore, MK 677 can be stacked with some other SARMs such as YK-11, Cardarine, and SR9009 for bulking with high-quality and ultra-lean muscle mass. Not just this, Testolone Stack consisting of MK 677 and RAD 140 delivers amazing results when it comes to cutting. 

Is MK 677 Legal?

It is actually legal to buy and sell MK 677 in most countries around the world. Having said that, I would like to point out that using it for athletic and professional sports is illegal since it may provide the user with an undue advantage over other athletes or competitors.

MK 677 Benefits

I am sure you want to know what the real benefits of this SARM are. So, here you go…

  • Reduces Body Fat – One of the most important benefits of MK 677 is that it will help reduce body fat when taken for a longer period of time. This happens because of an increase in your HGH levels that makes your body burn fat faster and also increases muscle mass.
  • Increases Muscle Mass – That it helps increase muscle mass in your body is one of the most important benefits of MK 677 and it also makes it highly popular among gym-goers. What makes things even more interesting is that it can help increase muscle mass even without changes in your diet and exercise regime. Now, you can well imagine what it can do for muscle growth when you use it in combination with a regular workout and a healthy diet. 
  • Faster Recovery – Yet another benefit of MK 677 is that it can reduce the recovery time from 72 hours to 48 hours so that you can train a body part multiple times a week.
  • Improves Sleep – Another great benefit of MK 677 is that it will improve your sleep quality and it will make you feel more rested. Sleeping for just 6 hours will make you feel more rested than sleeping for 8 hours. Not just this, it will make you feel refreshed and you will have more energy throughout the day.
  • Improved Hair and Skin Quality – It may also help increase hair and nail growth. It is also likely to make your skin look and feel younger than your age. 

Ibutamoren MK 677 Side Effects

Here are some of the side effects of MK 677:

  • Water Retention – Some people may experience water retention with MK 677 and this could be because they drink less water and they may also have high levels of sodium etc. in their diet. By drinking more water this problem should be resolved. 
  • Increased Hunger – Some people may find themselves more hungry when taking MK 677. Now for some, this could be a side effect and for others, it may be not. If you experience it and want to avoid it then you should have your dose just before you hit the bed and if you want to eat more to bulk up, have it in the morning.
  • Reduces Insulin Sensitivity – Some people may find that their Insulin sensitivity declines with the consumption of MK 677. This usually happens in people who from type II diabetes.

Legal IbutamorenIbuta 677 from Crazy Bulk


Ibuta 677 from Crazy Bulk

Crazy Bulk Ibuta 677 SARM Review



Best Alternative for MK 677

  • Mimics Ibutamoren MK 677
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Increases HGH Production Naturally
  • Boosts Muscle Growth
  • Increases Vascularity
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
Ibuta 677 from Crazy Bulk is a safe, natural and 100% legal alternative to Ibutamoren MK 677. It stimulates HGH production in your body naturally. This is important since it can help your body get more growth hormone through the glandular system. It does not contain any artificial HGH.

Ibuta 677 not only increases muscle growth in your body but is also excellent for enhancing endurance. Apart from that, it can also give a major boost to vascularity.

It does not have any side effects and has been getting awesome user reviews. Some of the most popular offers include Buy 3 Get 2 Free and Buy 2 Get 1 FREE. Not just this, it also comes with FREE Worldwide Shipping.


Legal Ibutamoren MK 677 – Ibutalean from Brutal Force


IBUTALEAN from Brutal Force

Best Cutting SARM



  • Mimics Ibutamoren MK 677
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Increase Lean Muscle Growth
  • Boosts Metabolism
  • Enhances healing time
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
  • Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
  • 100 Days Money-Back Guarantee
IBUTALEAN from Brutal Force not only increase lean muscle growth in your body but is essentially an HGH enhancer that makes your body produce more HGH on its own. It increases muscle, reduces body fat and cuts down the recovery time. It has no side effects and you do not need to do a PCT after taking it.

It comes with an amazing Buy 2 Get 1 FREE offer and also includes FREE Worldwide Shipping

The best stack that combines Ibutalean with other fat-burning SARMs is the Ripped Cutting Stack that can help you get amazing results in just an 8-week cycle.

SR9009 Stenabolic

This is yet another SARM that is supposed to be great for burning fat in your body. One of the most important facts about this SARM is that it is a non-hormonal drug. What it means is that it does not suppress your testosterone production and thus, you don’t need to worry about a PCT!

How Does SR9009 Stenabolic Work?

Even though SR9009 is commonly thought of as a SARM, it, in reality, is a Rev-ErbA ligand. Rev-ErbA is a protein that is present in your liver, fat, muscles, and skeletal muscles. SR9009 works by attaching itself to this protein in your body.

It encourages your body to use fat as the fuel for meeting its energy demands. Not just this, it prevents the production of new fat cells and thus, it is highly effective in reducing body fat.

It helps boost endurance too.

Is SR9009 Legal?

Like most other SARMs, SR9009 is legal only for research purposes. It has not been approved by the FDA for the purpose of human consumption. Moreover, it is on the list of banned substances of WADA and the USADA.

SR9009 Benefits

Let’s find out more about the benefits of this SARM:

  • Fat Loss – One of the main reasons why people buy this SARM is because it is highly effective in reducing body fat. It works in your liver, muscles, and fat tissues. It isn’t surprising that people who are on Stenabolic can reduce their body fat by as much as 5% on a single cycle and they begin noticing the effects within 10-14 days of starting the cycle. The results that you get also depend upon how you train and how clean your diet is.
  • Improves Cholesterol Profile and Cardiac Health – One of the most important benefits of SR9009 is that it can reduce blood cholesterol. This is the precise reason that one day it could be used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Enhances Endurance – One of the most immediate benefits of SR9009 that can be felt just 20 minutes after the first dosage is an increase in your endurance. This is why most athletes that this compound. If you are able to run 10 miles before, you won’t find it difficult to run 15 miles right after the first dosage. It’s like adding a third lung to your body!
  • Reduces Anxiety – This is yet another amazing benefit of SR9009. It keeps you in good mood eliminating any anxiety that you might have through the cycle. As long as you keep taking it, you will be in the best of your mood.

SR9009 Side Effects

As far as the side effects are concerned, SR9009 has only one major side effect and that is wakefulness. In other words, you might find it difficult to fall asleep when taking this compound.

However, you can easily get around this side effect by taking it a bit early in the evening rather than just before hitting the bed.

Legal Stenabolic – Stena 9009 from Crazy Bulk

LEGAL Stenabolic

Stena 9009 from Crazy Bulk

Stena 9009



Best Alternative for Stenabolic

  • Mimics SR 9009 Stenabolic
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Melts Away Excess Body Fat
  • Great For Boosting Stamina
  • Increases Blood Flow To The Muscles
  • Increases Endurance
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
Stena 9009 from Crazy Bulk is one of the best legal alternatives for SR 9009 Stenabolic. It is simply excellent for cutting. It can help boost your metabolism and melt away excess fat. Not just this, it can also help boost your strength, power, and stamina too. Moreover, it can help boost endurance so that you can train longer in the gym.

It has no negative side effects and has been getting amazingly positive user reviews. Some of the most popular offers include Buy 3 Get 2 Free and Buy 2 Get 1 FREE. Not just this, it also comes with FREE Worldwide Shipping.


Legal SR9009 Stenabolic – CUTSR9 from Brutal Force


CUTSR9 from Brutal Force




  • Mimics SR9009 
  • 100% Natural, Taken Orally
  • Powerful Fat Burner
  • Increases Endurance
  • Metabolism Stabiliser
  • No Known Side Effects
  • Excellent User Reviews
  • Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
  • 100 Days Money-Back Guarantee
CUTSR9 from Brutal Force is highly effective at burning fat and increasing endurance just like SR9009 Stenabolic but is made with 100% natural ingredients and is legal too. In addition to this, it has no side effects and does not even require a PCT.

It comes with an amazing Buy 2 Get 1 FREE offer and also includes FREE Worldwide Shipping

The best stack that combines Ibutalean with other fat-burning SARMs is the Ripped Cutting Stack that can help you get amazing results in just an 8-week cycle.

Best Stack for Cutting – Ripped Cutting Stack from Brutal Force

If you are looking for a perfect SARMs stack that can help you get outstanding cutting results in the least possible time without any side effects that are often associated with steroids such as Winstrol and Clenbuterol, then Ripped Cutting Stack from Brutal Force is what you should opt for.

This stack combines legal alternatives to 4 most powerful SARMs and include:

  • Andalean (mimics Andarine S4)
  • Cardalean (mimics GW 50516)
  • Ibutalean (mimics MK 677)
  • CUTSR9 (mimics SR9009 Stenabolic)

I have detailed the benefits of each of these SARMS above and when combined in a stack they can help you achieve incredible cutting results while maintaining muscle mass in your body.

Not only do you get this stack at a discounted price but are also able to get amazing benefits out of it that include more stamina, better cardiovascular performance, enhanced vascularity, more endurance, and of course, an increase in lean muscle mass.

SARMs Stack




  • Quick and Extreme Fat Burning
  • Preserves Lean Muscle
  • Increases Endurance
  • Improves Vascularity
  • Betters Cardio Performance
  • 8-Week Cycle Recommended
  • Buy 2 Get 1 FREE
  • 100 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Ripped Cutting Stack from Brutal Force is an amazing stack for getting a beach-perfect body so that you can look just great without your shirt. It can also help you get a perfect set of abs that you can show off in style.

The beauty of this stack likes in the fact that there’s no possibility of side effects and it completely rules out any need for a PCT. For best results, it is recommended that you try this stack for at least 8-weeks.

It comes with an amazing Buy 2 Get 1 FREE offer and also includes FREE Worldwide Shipping.



Which are the best SARMs for Weight Loss?

There are a couple of SARMS that can be a great asset when trying to lose weight and burn excess body fat and some of these include MK 677, Andarine S4, Cardarine, and even SR9009. Since these are compounds that are not approved for human consumption, they are not legal and you must check out legal SARMs in the article above to find out their legal and safe alternatives.

Is RAD 140 good for cutting?

RAD 140 is a SARM that is supposed to be great for bulking and it can be good for cutting too. However, if you are looking for something for cutting then it is better to opt for something like MK 677, Andarine S4, or even Cardarine. Check out the article above for more.


Losing excess body fat can be a bit tricky and this is why a lot of guys get into steroids. However, in SARMs vs Steroids, SARMs seem like a better choice, but even they are not devoid of side effects.

Combining your workout with the right diet and correct supplements such as the Best Cutting SARMs from Brutal Force mentioned above can help you get amazing cutting results without any side effects. So, if you are serious about cutting, go ahead and try these SARMs. Better still, go for the Ripped Cutting Stack for the best results in the least possible time.

Hi, I am Nick Jenkins, the founder and Chief Editor of I am a passionate bodybuilder with 15 years of experience. I have also worked as a gym instructor for 8 years now and have extensive experience in both bodybuilding and weight loss. When I am not in the gym I loves spending time with my lovely wife and kids aged 7 and 4.