Did Chris Evans take steroids for Captain America?

Interested in finding out the answer to the question, “Did Chris Evans take steroids for Captain America?”

If so, just read on…

Steroid consumption has always been a hot topic for audiences and media to discuss, especially when it is linked with names as big as Chris Evans.

After the launch of Captain America, the internet was flooded with queries like Did Chris Evans take steroids to bulk up for Captain America? And the responses were mixed.

Just because people always have their eyes on actors and actresses, they never spare any opportunity to criticize them. Hence, this was the case here.

A lot of people believed that Chris Evans is a steroid consumer – without any authentic information.

Let’s delve a bit deeper into his history and other facts to find out if he really took steroids…

Did Chris Evans Take Steroids For Captain America?

Chris Evans has been working for Marvel since 2005. Chris prides being starred in Marvel’s first movie i.e. Fantastic 4. Its sequel was launched two years apart in 2007. Then 6 years later, Captain America was released.

A Little Throwback

If you closely look at Fantastic 4, you will notice Chris Evans has a pretty sculpted body, with a good muscle definition. In 2007 when Fantastic 4’s sequel was launched, the muscles were more defined as compared to 2005 – but there was not a drastic change like that happens with steroid consumption.

If you go back a little more, in 2001 Chris appeared in a movie called “Not Another Teen Movie” and in 2004 he appeared again on celluloid in “Cellular”. In both of his films, you won’t be able to identify any major difference in his body. Neither he was very bulky, nor too thin. If he was consuming steroids, the difference in his appearance in both films would have been MASSIVE!

Fast forward to Captain America; his body looks chiseled, his muscles are carved to perfection and the shape is sturdy and robust. His body in Captain America is an outcome of his hard work and dedication. But the difference is visible but not as massive as steroid use would have made it possible.

I have come across many online articles that read Chris Evans has gained 20lbs to 30lbs for Captain America( just like Tom Hardy who is known to have got bigger with his every successive movie or maybe even Zac Efron who gained a whole lot of muscle for Baywatch.). While this is not true and does not hold any credibility because sources are unknown and no one can agree to that claim. If you yourself see the pictures of Chris, you won’t be able to detect any differences in his previous pictures. Although a visible and minor difference can be noticed.

Did Chris Evans Consume Steroids before His First Film?

I don’t think that he had been on steroids or any other drug. I have done my research and came across many pictures. The difference between his pictures before and after his first film isn’t huge.

Did Chris Evans Consume Steroids before His First FilmDid Chris Evans Consume Steroids before His First Film

What I think is that Chris doesn’t follow a strict workout routine the whole year. Instead, he vigorously workout before his shoot starts, so he can enjoy and take benefit from beginner lean muscles – this is what I have predicted.

If you closely observe his body, it doesn’t look like a steroid-made-up body. Since the inception of his career, his body has been very natural. The type of muscle he has gained isn’t impossible or unjustified.

Any health expert would agree that Chris Evans type of muscle gain and physique is absolutely possible through exercise, weight lifting, and a strict diet.

Also Read:

What does Chris Evans Workout Plan Look Like?

The rule of thumb about working out is that you need to give a break to your body so that it can recover from intense training. This is exactly what Chris follows. Despite having a rough workout plan, he believes in giving his body a rest to avoid any mishaps on injuries.

This is how Chris Evans spends his week:

Monday: Back workout,

Tuesday: Chest workout,

Wednesday: Break

Thursday: Lower body workout,

Friday: Upper body workout,

Saturday: Break,

Sunday: Break

Moving towards his diet; Chris followed a strict diet that is high in protein and contains a lot of fresh vegetables and fruits. Also, Chris does not skip carbs completely, because he believes that a little portion of carbs is a crucial part of any diet. However, he does not take carbs late at night.

His Diet Plan was As Follows:


A bowl of porridge with some dry fruits to keep it tasty.


He consumes a protein shake complemented with 5g BCAA.

Pre-workout Snack:

Just before going to the gym, he takes an apple and almonds.

20 minutes Latter:

After gymming, he immediately goes to eat something like chicken salad complemented with rice.

Evening Snack:

In the evening he consumes more protein shakes.


For dinner, he takes something that fulfills his craving for food like chicken, fish, or beef. He further complements it with additional dietary fiber like salad or vegetables.

Chris Evans’s strict diet and workout plan indicate that he has been taking his body seriously. His muscular physique isn’t an outcome of steroids; instead his hard work, dedication, and consistency.

Moreover, we all know that a steroid user has some signs that indicating the use of these dangerous and illegal drugs. Some of such apparent side effects could include severe acne, hair loss, etc. Even bloating is considered a sign of steroid use.

And the interesting thing is that none of these signs have ever been noticed in Chris Evans.

Following are the signs that are never witnessed with Chris Evans:

Hair loss; Chris Evans has hair goals!

Saggy skin; He has glass-clear skin,

Bloating; Never ever bloating is seen,

Gyno; No excessive growth of breast tissue has even been noticed.

Redness; His skin has never been red so one can assume that there has never been any flushing, which again, is a side effect of steroid usage.

Verdict – Natty or Natural

Did Chris Evans Consume Steroids before His First Film

After going through so much research and information available online, I landed on the conclusion that Chris Evans did not take steroids for Captain America; instead, his muscular body was an outcome of his dedication, hard work, workouts, exercises, and diet that he followed strictly. This is much like Christian Bale for Batman Begins, or Chris Hemsworth for Thor, or even Mark Wahlberg.

The super-human look achieved by Chris seems tough but isn’t impossible. Also, let’s not forget that we do have natural bodybuilders who achieved and maintained a jaw-dropping physique through exercise and dieting only. When they can do it, why not Chris Evans? 

I have no qualms in saying that Chris Evans is a natural and that he doesn’t seem to have used steroids.

Hi, I am Nick Jenkins, the founder and Chief Editor of CimaB-Sa.com. I am a passionate bodybuilder with 15 years of experience. I have also worked as a gym instructor for 8 years now and have extensive experience in both bodybuilding and weight loss. When I am not in the gym I loves spending time with my lovely wife and kids aged 7 and 4.