Like many other people, I am sure you also want to know the answer to the question- Is Tom Hardy on steroids? Is he a natural (natty) or not?
Whether you like it or not, the fact of the matter is that the use of steroids is quite rampant among bodybuilders and popular actors also use them more often not to get the big and ripped muscles that look good on celluloid.
Steroids, without any doubt, are dangerous and they have been the root cause of the premature and untimely death of many young bodybuilders.
Often it is argued that it is steroid abuse that actually is dangerous and that doctors also prescribe steroids for a whole lot of medical conditions. There’s no contesting the fact that steroids are used by doctors for treating various health problems and diseases but they tend to supervise the condition of the patient throughout the treatment and they are also aware of how and when to stop such drugs.
Unabated and unsupervised use of steroids is what makes them so dangerous within bodybuilding circles. What makes matters worse is that most guys tend to get hooked on to them and do not want to discontinue them after a while. This is what makes them susceptible to serious side effects, some of which could turn fatal and result in death.
Bodybuilders that use steroids often have huge muscles with a high degree of vascularity and a ridiculously low percentage of body fat. You can actually make a near correct guess as to if such a guy is doping or not.
With other people, however, it can be quite harder to tell or make a correct assumption and Tom Hardy, like Hugh Jackman, Terry Crews, Michael B.Jordan, or maybe even Zac Efron tends to be one of such guys!
Is Tom Hardy on Steroids?
As a matter of fact, no one knows for sure. However, I am trying to put certain pieces of evidence together to arrive at a conclusion to find out if he took steroids for bulking.
So just read on…

Legal disclaimer
Before I actually get started, I must say that the content of this article is based on speculation and it should not be considered as factual evidence. Moreover, this site or the writer is in no way connected to Tom Hardy. Moreover, there’s no proof with us that Tom Hardy ever took steroids and neither do I have his medical history.
Who Is Tom Hardy?
Tom Hardy needs no introduction because he is a star loved and adored by millions of women worldwide. He is one of the most talented and versatile actors of recent times.
Apart from having amazing acting skills, he also tends to do extremely good-looking.
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last decade or so, you will almost certainly know who Tom Hardy is.
Some of his most popular and loved appearances have been in movies such as Bronson, Batman: The Dark Knight Rises, Mad Max: Fury Road, Legend, Inception, and Dunkirk.
Not just this, he has also appeared in a couple of highly popular TV shows that include Peaky Blinders, and Taboo.
He is a method actor. What it means is that he tries to get into the garb of his character, behaving and doing all the things that a particular character would do. This means that if he has to look muscular, he tends to go through a rigorous training routine to bulk up with lean and hard muscle mass.
And this is exactly why we are trying to find out if Tom Hardy took steroids or not!
In some of his roles, he seems to have bulked up with solid muscle mass raising suspicion that he might be on drugs.
I will get into it a little later.
Let me first have a look into this early life and career.
Tom Hardy’s Early Life
Born in the East End of London in 1977, Tom Hardy is not someone who has had a very easy and happy childhood. He is known to have got in trouble in school quite often and it is also known that he kept bad company. At a very young age, he started drinking and was caught to be on the wrong side of the law many a time.
Not just this, it is also common knowledge that he got into drugs early in life and got seriously addicted. It took him a couple of years to get sober and free of his drug addiction.

As far as his love for acting is concerned, I would like to mention that he has some creative genes in him since his mother was an artist and his father is a screenplay- writer.
Once he was able to get over this addiction and left drugs, he started concentrating on his acting. He is known to have attended the London Drama Center to hone his acting abilities. He is someone who has the distinction of being taught by none other than Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Furthermore, he is known to have graduated with flying colors. Later on, he is known to have got a break in Hollywood and ever since there’s been no looking back for this great actor.
Also Read:
- Is Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, In Steroids?
- Did Chris Hemsworth Take Steroids for Thor?
- Arnold Shwarzenegger Steroids
- Did Jean-Claude Van Damme Take Steroids?
- Is Anthony Joshua on Steroids?
Tom Hardy’s Physique
One thing that you must have noticed is that Tom Hardy is someone who looks quite average when he is not playing a bulked-up character onscreen. He isn’t someone like Chris Evans who is a bodybuilder by nature.
While some actors train regularly, Tom Hardy is certainly not one of them. It seems like that he workouts only when he has to. Thus, what we can say with absolute conviction is that he is not always on steroids but has he used them?
It’s worth mentioning here that when Tom played an MMA fighter in Warrior, he impressed a whole lot of female fans. It goes without saying Tom looked extremely lean and toned with hard muscle in that movie.
This movie is followed by Branson, in which he played the infamous UK criminal Charlie Branson. For that part, Tom is known to have given up on definition and bulked up with more muscle. It was quite apparent that he has added decent size to his muscles for this movie.
After some time, he is known to have appeared as Bane in Batman in which he seems to have got a massive frame that could rival Ronnie Coleman.
Even though it seemed he could never get that huge, he actually did bulk up. With massive traps and delts, he definitely looked more defined and ripped.
And if you have seen him in Venom, I am sure you would agree that he is looking quite big with an impressive physique.
Is Tom Hardy On Steroids?
Now, that we have been through his history and know that context, let’s get a bit deeper into his transformation

His Transformation
In order to find out if someone has been juicing or not, you need to observe his body transformation carefully. It’s important to know how he looked before he made any gains.
If you observe Tom Hardy’s body, you would easily conclude that his physique has been changing from film to film, and that is within a gap of few months rather than years in between.
He is someone who stands at 5ft 9 inches tall and used tip scales at around 175 lbs, which is not something very impressive.
However, at his heaviest, he seems to have weighed nearly 230 pounds and he looked all beefed up with pure muscle. In other words, he seems to have gained close to 40-45 lbs within a couple of months.
Now, anyone can tell you that 40 lbs muscle gain is a big thing in just a short period of time!
Even though it is not impossible, it certainly raises a lot of suspicions when someone claims to be completely natural throughout.
Looking At His Traps
One of the first and most common things to happen with steroid use is that the user tends to grow his deltoids and traps.
And there’s a reason behind that!
What you need to take into account is that the trapezius and shoulder muscles consist of the highest concentration of androgen receptors.
Now, in the light of the above fact, if you look at Tom in Warrior, Batman, Bronson, and Venom, you will notice that his traps look quite impressive and seem to be rather massive.
What makes things even more doubtful is that many of his reported wokouts do not actually target the traps as much. You do notice a couple of sets of shrugs, but there’s nothing major out there.
One thing, however, I would like to point out is that genetically he seems to have impressive traps.
Having said that, the kind of progress that he has made seems unlikely only through hard work with genetics at play.
No Obvious Signs Of Steroid Use
There are certain signs that a bodybuilder is using steroids and some of them tend to be quite apparent.
Professional bodybuilders tend to be into steroids in a big way and their bodies clearly indicate that.
Most of them have purple faces that seem ready to burst any moment, a clear sign of high blood pressure that comes with juicing. Not just this, they seem to have veins all over their body. This enhanced vascularity is another indication of them using steroids such as Winstrol or Anavar.
Not just this, they seem to have boulder shoulders. It is not uncommon for such guys to have facial as well as body acne.
Gyno is another issue that crops up with steroid use and abuse.
Trying to relate all this with Tom Hardy, I must say that even though he looks huge and he seems to have got jacked but he does not show any of the above signs except for impressive delts. He does not have flushed skin and neither does he have facial or body acne. It is also quite apparent that he does not have gyno either.
In short, there’s hardly any sign of steroid use!
So, is Tom Hardy On Steroids Or Natural?
From the above discussion, I would say it is clear there’s no evidence that he has used steroids in a big way. But the kind of bulking he seems to have done indicates that he might have used some kind of mild steroids for a short period of time, maybe Anavar or Winstrol and that too at low and monitored doses.
Furthermore, I would say that he might have used low doses of HGH and Testosterone in order to get jacked or bulked up fast (within months rather than years).
This is unlike Christian Bale or Mark Wahlberg, who do not seem to have used steroids to bulk up for their parts in various movies.
One thing that is certain, however, is that he has not been using powerful steroids!
I would also like to state here that the kind of progress he seems to have made is not really possible with just creatine and whey!
Even though a lot of people get suspicious when celebs like Tom Hardy or Michael Clarke Duncan bulk up for their roles in various movies, what must be taken into account is that it is not easy to go through a body transformation without diet and exercise alone.
Even though I do not advocate the use of steroids, I would suggest that anyone interested in getting jacked may combine a rigorous training routine and a healthy diet with natural supplements or legal steroids such as Crazy Bulk Bulking Stack or testosterone supplements like Testogen to get quick results without side effects.
So, go ahead and have a look at how these natural supplements can help you achieve your bodybuilding goals faster than expected!